Netting Betta Safely For Tank Cleaning


Jun 17, 2008
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New York, U.S.
My female betta is easy to net when I have to do a full cleaning, her short fins dont touch the sides of the net so I net her gently 1,2,3. My male however is really difficult as his long fins touch the net and it's like a chasing match trying to safely net him so I dont hurt him. I eventually net him safely, but any ideas on how to make it easier. I also lowered the water level thinking he will have less room to escape but that doesnt work either.
Don't use a net for long finned bettas, it can damage their fins. Instead, use a cup or a bowl :good:
Why do you need to net him at all? You can clean around them without a problem. I've NEVER netted any fish even when I've done full cleans. The only time I every removed them was because I was changing substrate so wanted to make sure the majority of the dust cleared before they were re-introduced.
I have to cup both of my bettas to get them out for water changes, as I have to add de-cholorinator to the water and don't feel safe having them in the water until I feel its mixed in well. I don't know how anyone could do a water change that has to use de-cholorinator without removing the fish. This also allows me to move around my males decorations and silk plants to keep him active and keep him patrolling and curious:)
You remove water via a syphon into another container/bucket. You empty said container/bucket. Refil the container/bucket with water, put the dechlor in and then pour the fresh dechlored water back into the tank. Simple.

Also you can move all the decor around with the fish still in the tank.

Ask most people and you'll find that 99% don't remove their fish. The only reason you would is if you're doing a 100% water change but tbh this shouldn't be neccesary as it's easy to filter any suitably sized container and a cycled filter negates the need for 100% water changes.
No syphon thingy here, I have to use tupperware to remove water from my tanks and to put it back in. therefore I remove my fish. Its probably harder then it should be but Idk what a syphon is. to clean the rocks in the bottom i use a turkey baster type thing, get up poo and other particles the filter doesn't and I do it before water changes. Plus like I said, it gives me a chance to move around things in my tanks, makes it seem more fun to me if he doesn't see me do it.
quote[No syphon thingy]unquote

easy a length of 1/4 inch plastic
tubing that you get from your lfs
you can even buy graval cleaners
now relatively cheap at your LFS
these days
Personally I use a deep 1 cup measuring cup and trap my betta in the corner of the tank when I really need to move him. I have also used big soup ladles before. I guess I'm faster than my betta or he's lazy.

I think you could just get a larger net. They make some pretty big ones. Or you could make your own big net if you're crafty. A bigger net would make it so his fins would fit and he wouldn't be able to dodge it so easily.
Try just keeping a cup in your bettas tank for a few hours. I bet he'll explore! If he still hasn't gone in, drop some of his fave food into the cup to try and get him in- when he's chewing, gently scoop him up.
I brought a traditional betta scoop off ebay, like a spoon sort of thing, looks nice but they can get away from it so easily :lol:
No syphon thingy here, I have to use tupperware to remove water from my tanks and to put it back in. therefore I remove my fish. Its probably harder then it should be but Idk what a syphon is. to clean the rocks in the bottom i use a turkey baster type thing, get up poo and other particles the filter doesn't and I do it before water changes. Plus like I said, it gives me a chance to move around things in my tanks, makes it seem more fun to me if he doesn't see me do it.

Honestly you need to get one of these below and at that price you must be mad not to ,it will make your water changes so much easier.Ive got the exact same one from the same seller

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No syphon thingy here, I have to use tupperware to remove water from my tanks and to put it back in. therefore I remove my fish. Its probably harder then it should be but Idk what a syphon is. to clean the rocks in the bottom i use a turkey baster type thing, get up poo and other particles the filter doesn't and I do it before water changes. Plus like I said, it gives me a chance to move around things in my tanks, makes it seem more fun to me if he doesn't see me do it.

Honestly you need to get one of these below and at that price you must be mad not to ,it will make your water changes so much easier.Ive got the exact same one from the same seller


Woah there, i also bought one of these off ebay. i bought it because i have a gravel vacuum but now have sand so i wanted something to clean the sand with. (The one i bought was advertised as a sand vacuum of some sort). Anyway, i CANNOT get it to work. Please tell me what i'm doing wrong, i feel like i'm going mad. It's been relegated to my fish drawer and i just use gravel vacuum to remove the water and have to leave the sand at the mo.

Ps. to krysta522, why does having to remove water using tupperware mean you have to remove your fish?? Gravel vacuums are really not expensive and make it so much quicker and easier...and possible, depending on the size of tank. How long does it take you??? i would have thought that removing him was actually a bit stressful for your fish, having to catch him and however long he spends ina tiny container. Each to their own but it's really easy.
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