Net sterilization


Fish Addict
Feb 1, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, TN, USA
Had a thought pop into my head today. At the LFS they use this blue substance to sterilize their nets. I realize that they use the nets on a regular basis and it would be important to prevent transmission of disease from one tank to another. So far, I've been rinsing my net out with fresh water.

Is it necessary? Would it be necessary if say I had a full room full of aquaria? If it were necessary, how would one go about doing it? Thanks for any thoughts :p
The blue substance you refer to is methylene blue. You need to change it every day otherwise crystals form on the net. Only useful if you have a lot of tanks and a few nets. What I find just as useful is aquarium salt. Mix up a small solution and rinse your nets before and after use and discard solution. Cheap and safe.
I have a bowl with stress coat in it and I dip the nets in that. The jar says that netting removes their slime coat so I put stress coat on so it doesn't do so much damage... I'm sure that doesn't remove bacteria or disease but I don't have diseases in my tanks so it doesn't matter.
Thanks very much for the replies Dragonslair and Auratus. As I suspected sounds like it's nothing urgent I should be worrying about, but I might try both of those solutions. Thanks again!
Hi sinistral :)

I don't do anything to my nets, except make sure they air dry.

But, if I've had to move a sick fish, or a dead one, I disinfect the net in a solution of warm water with just a splash of bleach in it. I leave it for about 10 minutes and then rinse well, finishing with a rinse in water that has a squirt of dechlorinator in it. After that I make sure it is thoroughly dry before using it.

When I have to sterilize one net, I do it to all of them just for the heck of it! :D
I use Jungle brand Net Soak. I leave them soaking 24/7,change it once a week and before the nets go into my tanks i rinse them with fresh water.
I'm with CA - I don't do anything special to them apart from rinsing in tap water.
One thing that's important, IMHO, is to keep them in a place where they can dry thoroughly. Do not lay them down wet or keep them in a place where mold can form on the dampness. :sick:

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