Net dip

Alice B

Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2022
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
I hate using bleach for net dip. My old pet store, the one that trained me in the early 90s to really keep fish, used methylene blue. I can't find my methylene blue, so for now I've got nets soaking in some super fungus plus, which has some malachite green in it. But with the tetra situation in the 55, I'd removed some of my guppies from there to other tanks. 38 hex, 29, and of course the 10 that I eventually cleared for the tetras. I feel like I should sterilize all tank nets, just dump in bucket as I do water changes starting with the 38. So what do you dip your nets in to keep from spreading anything from tank to tank?
Fish nets are very inexpensive. Why not having dedicated nets for QT tanks versus other tanks (healthy or not questionable)? Even more if needed?
On the other hand, Methylene blue is nasty and dangerous, specially storing it long term. Bleach is nasty but way less dangerous.
I use a spray of hydrogen peroxide on my nets. Though in I don't know if it honestly does anything. I was considering Methylene blue. It is available on Amazon in various powder and solutional forms.

Methylene blue is nasty and dangerous, specially storing it long term

When I look at the SDS for Methylene blue I don't see anything that suggests it is unusually dangerous during long term storage. Not saying your wrong but I would like to know how it is dangerous. The reason I ask is that it is safe enough to use with the eggs and fry, and only has a half life of 4 to 24 hours from what I can tell, I don't think you could dip your net in bleach then use it in the tank, and we would use it as an aqueous solution rather than a solid. The SDS for Bleach is considerably worse than that for Methylene Blue.

Methylene blue lasts pretty close to forever, is useful in preventing fungus on eggs in egglaying fish. I use a teaspoon of methylene blue per 1.5 gallons of water, and just dipped every net in the house. While I have dedicated nets for each tank, I'd moved a couple of guppies from the 55 into 3 different tanks and the 55 has an issue so rather than take any chances while I am doing these water changes and terminating any fish that looks sick, I'm dipping the nets.
A net dipped in bleach water that doesn't get a chlorine remover rinse before going in a tank might kill all the fish. That's why I only use bleach in total teardown, outdoors, when I pull the tanks, etc out and dunk everything. and none of it will see a fish for a while
2 points-
I misspoke. Methylene blue is not that nasty, but I can't use it because I am strongly allergic, plus I hate how it stains things, aquarium silicone and acrylic included.
I prefer bleach (of course not full strength....duh).

However, my main point remains - why using a single net for QT tanks and healthy tanks? One should have different hoses, nets, etc., regardless of desinfection. Cheap insurance.
I'm not using a single net but I had 10 nets that were potentially contaminated with a contagion so I dipped them all as I also euthanized the last of the sick fish and did water changes on the larger tanks they had been in.

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