Fish Crazy
hi there just a quick question for everyone...
will my zebra nerite snail be able to get off the algae on my sand?
will my zebra nerite snail be able to get off the algae on my sand?
hi there just a quick question for everyone...
will my zebra nerite snail be able to get off the algae on my sand?
Yes I have 4 at the moment, and sand isnt a problem for them at all
ETA - oh you mean you have algae ON your sand?? Do you have algae on the glass/plants too? Is the water clear or tinged green? Or cloudy?
ok well something else is going on then.
do have live or artificial plants? how many fish in what size tank? filtration? temp? lights - wattage and how long theyre on for?
do you guys think one nerite is fine for my sized tank?
if you have a big algae problem then i would suggest getting more than one! or you can buy one, and see how it goes....i'd go for 3 or 4 in that size tank. i guess different people will have different opinions though
You are all forgetting the key question what fish do you have... Zebra's aren't compatible with all types