Nerite Snails ? Zebra Snails


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2009
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Hi , I am interested in getting a coule of these for my tanks, I thought 1 in each tank, was wondering though, are they better at controlling algae than apple snails? Also my main tamk has a couple of assasin snails in it, would this end in tears? :unsure:
Any correspondence greatly appreciated :good:
Hi , I am interested in getting a coule of these for my tanks, I thought 1 in each tank, was wondering though, are they better at controlling algae than apple snails? Also my main tamk has a couple of assasin snails in it, would this end in tears? :unsure:
Any correspondence greatly appreciated :good:

The Nerite is good at eating algae and isn't going to infest your tank with their offspring if you don't want them to multiply. I also like the fact that they remain relatively small. They aren't supposed to eat plants and can eat vegetable matter and other stuff it may find around. I've had my Tracked Nerite snail for 2 weeks and haven't fed it anything special.

Here's one of many places with more info.

I've read of people housing Nerite and Assassin snails together with no casualties but it would be a risk that you'd have to take.

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