so my sister is having me watch her tank for the next 2 months... so i set it all back up and has been running great for 2 weeks now well yesterday i woke up and fed my tanks and then went to feed her betta... and the one zebra snail was sitting on the heater (the actually heating element) but was pulled into his snail... so i moved him off of it and placed him on the bogwood.. but had to leave for work when i got home he had fell off and was on this back so i flipped him over and placed him on the front of the tank so i could observe him and it took him about 10 minutes to decide to move when he did it looks as if his foot was actually burnt... was kinda shriveled and off color on the one side... he really didnt move a lot all day but did poop alot... woke up this morning and he had actually moved over night was on the glass on the side but when i got off work he was upside down on the sand again so he is in the front of the tank again right side up ... i think his foot actually looks a little worse today...
anything i can do for him... or if he keeps this up should i put him down???
anything i can do for him... or if he keeps this up should i put him down???