

Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2005
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I bought 5 neons the other day and it seems as the though the smallest neon is the outcast of the group as he's mostly on his own. The other neons don't pick on him or anything they just seem to pair up in their little group of 4 and ignore him.

He does sometimes swim around with them but not very much. You can see the 4 neons together in the one pic and the other neon is hiding on his own near the ornament. in the other pic

Do i need to get one more smallish neon to maybe go with this lone neon? :unsure:


I would add some more they look better in bigger groups.
I'm just not sure if adding more neons will decrease the amount of fish i can add to my tank a lot or not. There are still quite a few more i'd like but i dunno how many other fish would be ok in my 63 liter tank.
What fish do you have in the tank at the moment, as neons are not big waste producers.
My neons only stayed in their group of 5 for the first few days then dispersed all over the tank and only ever came together when the tank lights when out. They only shoal together when they feel threatened and will mostly spend time apart from eachother so your little guy should be fine on his own so long as he has the group to go back to should he feel threatened.
I would add another one and see how things go. Leave them for a couple of weeks to adjust to their new surroundings.

Mine took nearly a month to stop hiding at the back of the tank when i first got them.
I have one that always stays on his own round the back, only coming out at food time. I wouldn't worry about it, but another one would look better.
I have a school of 14 neons and I have found that they are not the best schooling fish. Unless they feel threatened, they break up into smaller groups of 3-6 and often just hang out by themselves. Neons produce such little waste that I would go ahead and get a few more if you like them.

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