

Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2005
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So, I have two questions.

I got 4 Neons to start my tank (eventually I want to have a dozen). The pet shop I got them from, usually has great fish, plus they're more brighter and larger than other pet stores. But the day after I got them, one neon had Fungus (at least I think that's it), and died within 24 hours. Now another one has it, and I'm going to euthanise it. The other two seem fine.
If it is Fungus, is it contageous? I would think so, since they're all in such close quarters, but I can't find any articles on the internet that actually say it is. Am I going to have to clean out the tank and disinfect the whole thing? (I just got it cycled!)
I should've quarantined them, but my hospital tank was empty while I cycled the regular tank, and cracked somehow. The only other thing I could use, is a little betta tank and I didn't think that'd be very good for neons.

Secondly... I want relatively good water for my neons. The pet store's PH was 8.2 and my tap water is about 8-ish. I can only get it to go down to 7.6 with a Whisper i10 filter full of peat granulars. All the websites I look at, say how peat works, but never how to utilize it. And even the box says just put it between other media.
Do I need more? Do I need to change it with fresh peat more than once a month?
I would like measurements for both a 15 gallon tank, and a 50 gallon tank (I figure my Cichlids like the hardness, but my catfish probably don't appreciate it much... maybe I should get another tank going for them!)

Tank stats
Whisper i10 filter full of peat
AquaClear 20gallon capacity filter with BioMax (whatever that is) and activated carbon, and sponge
15 gallons water
65 watts light (half 10,000k and half 460 NM Actinic blue)
7.6 PH
0 Ammonia
0 Nitrites
20 Nitrates
3 Neons (2 later today)
3 ghost shrimp that've been in there 2 months
1 bunch Anacharis plant
1 bunch "frill"/Coontail plant
1 small Moss Ball (Chladophora aegagropila)
have you euthanased your sick fish yet? if it is fungus - white cotton wool type growths on your fish ( check out the pinned info on diseases in this forum)it can be easy to treat i use melafix & seems to work well or get some other med from your lfs. are you sure its not neon tetra disease??? as this is very contagious & WILL end up affecting all your neons. ( do a google search on this disease)

keep a close eye on your other 2 neons. im not sure why your trying to lower the pH for your neons they will be fine in that pH esp if thats what theyre used to. we have cardinals - supposedly they need soft water with much lower pH our tap water is always around 7.9 & we've had our cardinals for nearly 3 yrs no problems at all.

if your worried about your water small changes are the best way to go. dont empty & disinfect your tank it could cause more problems than its worth.
good luck
The sickest Neon died before I got to him. One of the two seems perfectly fine, and the other has just a faint bit of "stuff" on him. I got Melafix, and am gonna try that (after I dismantle the filter to get to the carbon, of course!)

The only reason I'd like a neutral-ish water quality, is after I get a good batch of healthy ones, I'd like to try breeding them. I hear it's very difficult, but not impossible. Maybe I should splurge and get a little RO/DI system! LOL

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