

New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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I need help I keep buying Neons , and with in a week they die on me . I treat the tank I have air going in the tank . Help I dont know what to do . I love neons . I buy them three at a time .

Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp . :X
first of neons arent hardy fish so if ur tank hasnt cycled dont get neons i havnt done fishless cycle but ive heard good things about it, also what size of tanks is this 10 gallons 1 gallon....
Hi - sorry to hear about your neons. Please follow the link in my sig about Avoiding New Tank syndrome - I suspect your fish are dying because your tank is not properly cycled.
Neons are not very hardy fish however with a properly cycled tank there fine. If you like you could go for a hardier species such as the cardinal tetra ;)
Ya i had trouble with neons too... i have a 10 gallon tank with 5 Serpae Tetras. My tank was running for bout 2 days with nothing in and when i put my neons with my serpaes, my neons were found dead the next morning :no: I just want to know , was it my filter pump? or were the fish bad from the start (fishy store). Thank you!!!
it was bcuz u didnt let ur tank cycle and u put too many in too early. u shouldve just put the serpaes then wait about 1-2 wekks before adding the neons.
H2O, have you got 2 bala sharks in a 10 gall? If so, you better start saving the pennies coz they are going to get much to big for that tank and quite quickly.
we left out tank empty for a week & half & then added our neons & have had no problems Except for the fact our kribs were eating them!@!! sorry not trying to be a smart arse but since we took our kribs back to the petshop our neons have been fine!! no probs at all & they live with tigers & green barbs,red eye tetras,algae eater,pakistani loaches, zebra & leopard danios & 2 peppered corys
neons are gorgeous i hope you have more luck with them in the future :p
i put 6 neons in my new 20 gallon tank and one of them died but the rest lived. i'd consider that lucky because i have since heard that neons are very bad for new tanks :/
Another thing neons really don't like is high temperatures - so perhaps check the temp in your tank? Ideal range is 68ºF to 78ºF (20-25°C)

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