neons swimming weird after eating


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2003
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Hi! I have a 50 gallon tank, I had the water checked yesterday they said it was perfect. I have 6 neons, 2 honey gouramis, 2 platys, 2 tetras and just bought 2 angel fish today. The problem is with my neon tetras, they were perfectly fine before I fed them and now 2 of them(3 originally but 1 has stopped) look really bloated and are swimming face down and acting like they are being pulled to the surface. The are still active and all still have their color excpet 1 that looks like he is losing a teeny bit in his tail but not enough yt to worry me. They are kind of twitching too. I'm just really confused because they were fine before i fed them. What could have happened?, can they eat too much and bloat or swallow too much air to make them want to float. Please help I'm more worried about the rest of the fish in my tank. If it is neon disease how can I tell before it gets too out of hand? Although I really belive the feeding is what the problem is I just dont know how. I also added stresscoat to my tank today because of the angel fish. Thank you!!!!! Leah :(
Hi!! When I had bought my fish they gave me in a platic container their brand flakes that they say they feed their fish. So, like a sucker I got that. It has no label so quite honestly I dont know except it stinks really bad. LOL Do you have a suggestion for a particular kind of food? Thanks for your reply!! Leah
Do you think it could just be the food doing this?
:unsure: ok well I've only had my neons for about 2 months and i think i over feed em cuz they are twice as big. I'm not to sue if its only the food but I guess it could be cuz my friends goldfish had the same problem and it ate all the food she put in the tank and killed itself :( ..ok just a weird question but is your neon food like tiny colourful circles..that looks like MINI dog chow? lol :thumbs:

Hi fishy! Mini dog chow now that actually sounds pretty good compared to the food I give my fish. LOL. No, the food I've been giving them is just plain flakes in 3 different colors and smells so bad! yuck! Have you had the same thing happen with your neons? I called the petstore and he said I should only worry if they start losing color, but he had never heard of the swimming problems after eating, he said I won the weird question of the day contest. LOL Leah :huh:
:lol: ya it is a weird question *hands leah9798 a gloden medal* bad smelling food..ya that does sound bad..mine smells fishy but its not that bad...are u sure they didnt give u betta food or something cuz my pet store said they eat it and it comes in 3 colours and they are flakes but my neons dont appriciate ya and betta food smells bad so that might be the food u have :unsure:

keep on posting! Fishy
Fish food doesn't keep forever. If it goes powdery or smells bad (rather than vaguely fishy, or goes passed its "Use by" date, chuck it.
Hm, I think that your neons will not get along with your angel fish imho. I think neons are angel's natural pray :(
Hi leah:

If you mean the neons are swimming with their nose down and tail up (like 45deg angle), then thats pretty normal. Mine do that every once in a while.... and you are right they do this more often if they have overeaten.
abudakos said:
Hm, I think that your neons will not get along with your angel fish imho. I think neons are angel's natural pray :(
On the contrary, neons will get on great with angelfish - as dinner!
When I bought the angel fish at the petstore, I told them I had neon tetras and they said they would be fine together, I came home and read up on them and yep angelfish do eat them for dinner, I was alittle upset but the angelfish are so beautiful, I guess I'll just have another excuse to start another tank. LOL. I was hoping because I have so many plants and hiding spaces on all levels they would be alright but it looks like I'm gonna end up taking them out anyway. Thanks!!!!
;) well u get get lucky and maybe if u feed your angels well they wont eat em cuz some ppl on the site have said their angels get along with the neons and not as dinner :lol: .. Good luck

leah9798 said:
When I bought the angel fish at the petstore, I told them I had neon tetras and they said they would be fine together, I came home and read up on them and yep angelfish do eat them for dinner, I was alittle upset but the angelfish are so beautiful, I guess I'll just have another excuse to start another tank. LOL. I was hoping because I have so many plants and hiding spaces on all levels they would be alright but it looks like I'm gonna end up taking them out anyway. Thanks!!!!
Yeah you have to be careful with pet stores. They'll tell you anything to get you to buy something. If you go to a specialty fish store, they're alot more concerned with the welfare of your fish and they will tell you straight up what will and will not work together.

I just found a fish store in my area and I am already very pleased at how much more these professionals know than a bunch of high school teenagers trying to make some money by working at a pet store.

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