Neons Or Cardinals?

Which do you like more?

  • Neon

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Cardinal

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
cardinals form me for what its worth. a shoal look beautiful but saying that I;d rather have runmmy nose!!
love both but we had no luck when we started out with neons - all died mainly of ntd, sad suppose just too much inbreeding - well in the ones we had anyway. have had cardinals for 7 yrs now & 2 of our cardinals are 7 yrs old- not bad for little fish :)
My experience with Cardinals has been much better than with the Neons. The Neons were sometimes nippy towards each other (not severe by any means but enough to take some fin off each other) and they had Neon Tetra Disease. It was sad to watch them die out but there's no cure.

The Cardinals are beautiful fish, very peaceful too. They're my personal favorite even though they are more expensive.
Neon tetras ftw! :D

I once added four cardinal tetras into my tank and they all died. And one of my neons along with them. So. I only had one, and today I went out and got three more but it's like Oddball, my white cloud mountain minnow, is their idol. :D ^^; :) :3
I have to say cardinal tetras. They are hardier and have more coloration.

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