Here's the profile from
Paracheirodon axelrodi
Common Names: Cardinal Tetra
Synonyms: Cheirodon axelrodi
Family: Characidae
Origin: Found in slow moving waters in Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil, South America.
Main Ecosystem: River
Temperament: Peaceful. It is imperative that the Cardinal Tetra be kept in schools. Highly recommended for comunity tanks.
Diet: Carnivore
Care: Feed with flakes. Cardinal Tetras should be kept in tanks either with floating plants or dimly lit. Use soft water only.
pH: 4.0 - 6.0
Temperature: 23°C - 27°C (73°F - 81°F)
Hardness: 5.0°dH - 12.0°dH
Potential Size: 3cm (1.2")
Water Region: Middle
Activity: Diurnal
Breeding: Use an optimal pH of 5.8, temperature 24°C. The eggs are laid on a perlon mat in the evening. Remove the adults after spawning occurs. Cover the tank to stop the growth of fungus. The fry should hatch after 24 hours. Feed with fry food.
Gender: Females are a little larger and have larger stomachs. A female is pictured above.
LifeSpan: 10 years
Comments: One of the most beautiful aquarium fish, the Cardinal Tetra comes close to the top of the list for the most popular fish of all time. Sometimes, but not often, confused with the Neon Tetra.
FanOFish - that sounds like a very responsible LFS, maybe you should give them a plug on here......
Cheers, Eddie