neons dying


New Member
Mar 24, 2005
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arkansas, U.S.
I've successfully kept 7 glowlights tetras in my tank for 3 months. haven't lost a one. I bought four neon tetras 1 1/2 weeks ago. I had them in my 2 1/2 gallon tank to make sure there was no disease. Placed them in with my glowlight tetras 4 days ago. Now a few are floating unpside down and look like they are about to die. checked my water (ph 7.2, 0 ammonia 0 nitrates) no signs of actual disease. What do you think?? I also just did a 30% water change. I do this every week.
Just remembered something. I put in 1/4 tablespoon of aquarium salt into all my tanks today. Does any one know if this is what might have caused ( still causing) my neon tetras to float and ( well lets face it they are dying) any suggestions, I've never had salt in my tanks before. Please let me know what you think. Got the idea of salt from these message boards. Very worried now. Did I cause this ???? :sad: :sad:
I dont know if the salt caused it because my tank had salt in it and I have neons in it... I did loose 2 neons though the beginning of this week but I dont know...I know someone will know on here though..
Good Luck :)
From what I remember of my days in the fish trade, neons like an unusual pH. I seem to think they may like a their water on little on the acidic side. Look into their pH requirements and that may help.

I don't own neons myself, simply because they often die. I do however have ten glow lights cause they are indestructable. I think neons are a little difficult to keep happy.

Good luck.
4 neons is too smaller number for them to be in as they are shoaling fish that prefer to be in groups of at least 8 otherwise they feel insecure and get stressed out more often which can lead to problems.
Neons aern't very hardy fish at all and are very sensitive to water conditions and as far as i know aern't very tolerant of salt. What did you use the salt for in the tank?
Oh, and what temperature is the tank set at? In my experience neons don't do very well in temperatures any higher than 26 degrees C.
Was the tank they came out of and the new tank they went in, were the same water chemistry i.e nitrite and ammonia etc.

It sounds like osmotic shock....maybe due to the salt as neons are scaless fish which in this case salt would burn there skin.

Sorry for your loss

NOte = I'd keep neons in shoals of at least 7 so they feel secure.

I had planned on getting 3 more neons in about a week. I add fish slowly, so the tank can keep up. Only one has died, the others seem fine today. The 2 1/2 gal I had them in was kept at the same temp and I used water from the tank they were going in, also a plant from the big tank and some gravel. temp is about 76 - 78 F . Hopefully it was just a freak thing. I added the salt because the owner of the fish shop down here said it was good in any tank. I was planning on adding it slowly, so as to not shock the fish. My male betta in another tank had a little fin rot ( I think stress.)( Just got it from Walmart!!!), I didn't want to medicate , so I did some research. Aquarium salt is what I found would help him repair his fins faster. Any way I don't think I'll add any more salt into the tetra tank. Thanks for the help.
As far as pH, I was able to keep neons in 7.0 about ten years ago, so I'll look it up. Thanks again.
One problem no one else has addressed is that you have 7 glowlights and 4 neons in a 10 gallon tank. You are overstocked and definitely don't have room to add 3 more neons. I know those are small fish but still get to 2" each so you are over 20" of fish in a 10 gallon tank.

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