Neon Tetra Disease is appallingly named. It is so called because it was first observed in Neons, and thought, at the time, to be specific to that species. In fact, NTD is an infection with sporozoan parasites which live in the muscle of the affected fish. As the parasites grow, they push the fish out of shape, sometimes into a corrugated shape.
Many species have been found to suffer from this, mostly other characins, but there have been reports of barbs, danios and other cyprinids developing NTD as well. It is contagious if you have other suitable hosts in the tank.
That said, normally NTD develops slowly, but not that slowly, typically taking a few months to be apparent. If you've had the fish for a year or more, and the tank conditions have been kept good, I'd be somewhat suprised if NTD was the cause.