Neons Are Winding Me Up, Boring Gits!


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2010
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I dont have a journal on here so this is just a random post.
After recently reducing the stock of my 10G tank from 1 Angel, 12 Pencilfish and 11 Neon tetras, down to just 11 Tetras and adding my RCS I have now got boring tetras who stay stuck in the corner.
The fluval 2 is on its lowest flow setting and I dont know what to do next.
PS Java Moss will be tied on to the wood within the next week.


The shrimp


LOL :D after many, many years, basically from childhood, i have always fancied having some neons.
i recently set up my first tropical tank and got myself 10 neons and a few endlers.
my 1st reaction to the neons was exactlly the same as yours, what a bunch of boring gits!
5weeks down the line now and after adding slightly better lighting (altho still not enough) they do seem slightly better, kind of hover along the front of the tank to the other end and back again.
i thought maybe my endlers had them henpecked but on reading this post, just thought i would share as the experience of neons seems to be similar.
IonaMcCluskey said:
after many, many years, basically from childhood, i have always fancied having some neons.
i recently set up my first tropical tank and got myself 10 neons and a few endlers.
my 1st reaction to the neons was exactlly the same as yours, what a bunch of boring gits!
5weeks down the line now and after adding slightly better lighting (altho still not enough) they do seem slightly better, kind of hover along the front of the tank to the other end and back again.
i thought maybe my endlers had them henpecked but on reading this post, just thought i would share as the experience of neons seems to be similar.
What winds me up is they used to be very active, probably S*** scared of the Angel though
PS Anyone got an idea why my water has a green tint, I even changed the water today
yeah, the angel prob kept them on the move :)
green tint is probably just a touch of algae try a wee bit less light on the tank if you can.
Mine are super active, I do have ample plant cover too though. Maybe add some more plants?
I have thirteen neons and they are all over the tank, all of the time. I have a six foot tank with large clown loaches in it plus tetra's various, oto's, kuhli's, cory's and a couple of BN catfish plus a very large SAE but the neons are unfazed by any of this and school serenely all over the place; I love them.

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