Neon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Wrexham North Wales
Do neon tetras fall pregnant easily and if so, how can u tell? The bellies on some of mine seem to be growing. I'm new to all this any help would be appreciated.
i think you have fed them too much, i got tetras and they are bloody greedy fish and dunno when to stop eating rofl

thats what i did when i first got my fish tank and they looked like stomachs with fins lol

srsly they get this huge ( for their size) lump on they underbellies.

Mine disappeared after a while and i didnt see any babies so...
Do they fall pregnant easily? I wouldn't think so, since they're egglayers! :lol:
Either they're just very well fed, or the females are carrying eggs (which makes their stomaches appear larger)
Female neons tetras get egg laden all the time, its how you usually distinguish the males from the females as the females are more curvy than the males, but its a very slim chance they will ever produce fry as neon tetras are very hard to successfully breed and need lots of specific conditions to do so, so i wouldn't worry about having lots of unwanted fry.
If the neons are looking very fat though i would suspect they are being overfed or have dropsy...
I don't think they're over fed, if you read my list of fish on my profile. I only give the whole tank 1 cube of bloodworm a day.

There's only a few of them with swollen bellies, so I guess they must be egg laden.
My tetras are little gannets. Every day when I come home they are over at the corner of the tank nearest the door...

'Oh gooood you're home! We thought you'd never get here, feed us quick! We are STTTAAARVVVINNNG!'

I used to panic cos after feeding they would tend to swim with their heads down.. turns out from net surfing they have just been gulping their dry food too fast! They get HUUUUGE little tummies..!

BTW- I think my ich has gone. *crosses fingers* This weekend big water change and swappig the carbon in the filter...
mike190762 said:
I don't think they're over fed, if you read my list of fish on my profile. I only give the whole tank 1 cube of bloodworm a day.

There's only a few of them with swollen bellies, so I guess they must be egg laden.
Actually one cube of bloodworms a day is an aweful lot of high protein food for the little guys- one cube can contain hundreds of bloodworms, what else are you feeding your fish?
For a 88gallon, its too small for 2sailfin plecs which grow to 2ft long each and will get quite mean and nasty to each other in a tank that small for them, sailfins need at least a 125gallon tank.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
mike190762 said:
I don't think they're over fed, if you read my list of fish on my profile. I only give the whole tank 1 cube of bloodworm a day.

There's only a few of them with swollen bellies, so I guess they must be egg laden.
Actually one cube of bloodworms a day is an aweful lot of high protein food for the little guys- one cube can contain hundreds of bloodworms, what else are you feeding your fish?
For a 88gallon, its too small for 2sailfin plecs which grow to 2ft long each and will get quite mean and nasty to each other in a tank that small for them, sailfins need at least a 125gallon tank.
Thanks for that Tokis-Phoenix, roughly how long does it take for them to grow? Would I be better using dried flakes and maybe giving them bloodworm once or twice a week?

I'm going away tomorrow, will check replies and respond when get back.

Thanks for all your hepl so far,

They will grow about and inch a month or more but their growth will slow down alot once they reach 10inchs, they need their diet substituted with algae wafers everyday as they are very efficient algae eaters and often run out of natural growing algae in the tank to feed off.
Varying your fish's diet between bloodworms and fish flakes will be much better for them and a twice weekly bloodworm feeding will be much healthier for them and help keep better water quality in your tank as high protein foods like bloodworms can often mess up water quality quicker than lower protein foods do.
Thanks for that Tokis-Phoenix, I am now back off holiday. I left my fish with those week tablets. I will start by feeding them dry flakes tomorrow and only giving them bloodworm twice a week. I shall also pick up some algae wafers too.

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