Neon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2005
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I have a really big Neon and was wondering if it ready to lay eggs or just fed really well...LOL
I don't know much about egg-layers. :dunno: ..Do ppl have good batches from egg-layers in an aqaurium at home? What are the odds of the eggs hatching? How do you tell if she is pregnant or just eating well? Hope someone can help... :D
Your fish will spread their eggs on plants, so be sure to provide plenty of aquarium plants (live or fake) in your aquarium.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Thank you .. I will keep my eye :blink: on my plants... Do you know about how long the eggs will be eggs before they hatch? :dunno: All these questions..Who knew :fish: could be so much :fun: fun...LOL
Thrdwatch ;)
Don't know about tetras, but my dwarf cichlids eggs are eggs for about 3 days, then they become wrigglers. After that they are free-swimming.
HHmmmm..Well my fat little Neon is just that..Not sure if it's fat or pregnant...LOL
I have just been keeping an eye on it just in case (hopes) that it's going to lay eggs. Thank you for your info :D

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