Neon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2004
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Maryland, U.S.A.
I've noticed that at night, after I shut the light off, my neon tetras seem to have lost their color. Their red stripey thing is almost completely gone. But it's back in the morning. What's going on?
Sometimes that happens to my really bright guppies and platys. I'm not sure what it is, but I don't think it's harmful.
One of my otos does it too, at night the stripes towards the back of his body are almost gone but by morning they are back to being a dark black.
My neons and black neons do it too but when my blacks do it, they're almost colourless, hardly recognizable. I think its a camoflauge thing, a security thing so predators don't find them so they blend in with the dark. Just a guess :unsure:
My oto is definatly not sleeping when he loses his cover, I think that guy alone goes over every surface in my tank about 20 in one night.

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