Neon Tetras


New Member
Jan 29, 2004
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Staines, England
I have heard that after some time in a tank, neon tetra's don't school as much as they first do. I am led to believe that this is because they are used to the environment and feel happier to wonder off by themselves since they know the place.

However, several neon tetras swimming together look really great and it's a shame that they don't do this so uch anymore. Does anyone have any advice on how I can get them to school again? Or... can anyone recommend similar fish that will always school? E.g. do cardinal tetras school together more or do they get comfortable and explore by themselves?

I'd like a significant quantity (20 or so) of some sort of small schooling fish because they look cool!

Any advice or anyone in the know?

Woo, i didnt know that they didnt always stay together. Mine always have, i think if you have a big group they will pretty much stay together, maybe a few will wonder off. They look so good when alot of tetras are together. You could always get different kinds of tetras, I think my black ones are cool.
Loopy :)
As tetras get older they get larger and there is fewer things that can eat them. in my LFC they have around 30 cardinal tetras in the tank and they no longer school as they are all around 5cm long.(2 ish inch) if they feel threatened they will school. so what yo need to do is to introduce a fish which has the potential for eating or nipping a the fish then they will be scared enough to school.

But the problem with that is.. they will die with being to scared. so their is no real answer for you.

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