Neon Tetras


Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
South Shields, UK

Iv had five neon tetras for about 3 months now, all bought at the same time.

In the shop at the time, all the neon's were just swimming peacefully.

Ever since iv had them, theyve been aggressive to each other, as in chasing each other and kinda dueling - going round in circles, nipping each others fins.

My dad has neons too and his arent aggressive.

Why are mine? Is there any reason? I think the only time they leave each other alone is when iv dropped in food.

Theyre all at it though :angry:

Any ideas why?
The only reasons i can think of are:

Not enough cover/hiding spots.

Too many males (by chance) - yes even neon males get nippy toward eachother...

Try adding another 3, see if it quells the bad feeling....

On the other hand, I have seen this behaviour once before breeding, where the neons got agitated like this (but the females were obviouslylarger at this time), before seperating into pairs...

Hope that helps!
Are any of them showing any signs of illness? Sometimes they can pick on the ones that are ill
I think you might have all males. This, with any type of fish can at the end of the day result in a couple of nipped fins. Remember the males tend to be a little thinner and more bullet like while the females naturally have the rounder bellies. I'd just go get 5 more anyways, well that's what I would do cause I love those fish :)
None of them are ill, each picks on the other, so its not a group picking on one, its all on all lol.

However whilst im typing here, i feel i need to ask something else. One of my tetras, has, urm, how to put it, a bent neck, if they have one, but you know what i mean. His body is straight then itl curve to the left, and then to the right. Kinda looks snapped :S Its weird. What could this be?
One of my tetras, has, urm, how to put it, a bent neck, if they have one, but you know what i mean. His body is straight then itl curve to the left, and then to the right. Kinda looks snapped :S Its weird. What could this be?

genetic defect, you can see this trait in prety much any mass bred fish.
Oh right thats okay. Was starting to think he may have swam into the glass too hard :lol:

Thanks for the help. Might buy some more tetras, and put some more hiding spaces in. I moved my bogwood on its side instead of standing up, and the fish were intriuged and spent alot of time hiding between, behind and under it.

Thanks again.

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