Neon Tetras?!


New Member
Jun 14, 2003
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Just got 12 neon tetras yesterday. They are placed together with about 11 guppies, 2 goldfishes and another 4 fishes. However, whenever i feed all of them, none of the neon tetras would rise to the surface to eat the food. Instead, they would wait for the food to descend. Is this normal? Should i be worried? Or is this due to stress? Someone please help! Thanks :unsure:
I'm pretty sure this is normal. My tetras stay right where they are & wait for the food to come to them. They always have. I only have 1 platy who actually goes to the surface to eat. The food even reaches my cory cats who never leave the bottom to eat.
That might change when they've been in the tank awhile. I have 10 neons and they head for the surface as soon as I open the lid. Make sure you don't overfeed your fish so they are hungry each day....
i always put some flakes under the water for my glowlight tetras to eat :wub: , but then i have to do something or the zebra danios guzzle all the food :lol: lol
if the goldfish you mean are the coldwater kind i wouldnt recommend you keep them in a tropical setup
My neons do the same thing, as well as the guppy.

The only fish that come to the surface are my betta and the angels.

The two angels are pigs :hyper:, they are always at the top of the tank from the moment they see me enter the room. They will "kiss" my finger if I put it in the tank, and eat from my fingertips if I try.
we have 11 neons & when we first got them they never came to the top at feeding time but now after a few months theyre up there milling around with the barbs every morning & evening when they see us come in!!! im sure they will get braver :D
Don't worry, it's perfectly normal for neons to eat food while its drifting in the water...all of my neons eat this way too.....I read a book somewhere says that neons prefer eating food this way..... :)
In my opinion most fish don't eat from the top of the water until they have setteled into the tank, which usually takes 1-2 weeks

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