Neon Tetras - Unhealthy


New Member
Oct 22, 2011
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I've had these guys for near on 5 - 6 months now and had no issues with them at all, I've recently added a few "Black Neon Tetras" and "Prestello Tetras" which always seem hyper, I noticed my neon tetras seem to be loosing a bit of color the only reason i can think of is that they are stressed with the new fish.

Another thing i've noticed with the neon tetras there not a big fan of the oxygen bubbles, turn them on the neons pile up together, turn them off there happy to explore the tank.

Anyway, to try and solve this problem ive moved all 14 to a quarantine tank were i can keep an eye on them, Ive attached some photos.

- Shaun
Hmmm their colours do seem a bit faded, do anything you can to help relieve the stress of them. If not then they might get the dreaded Neon Tetra disease.
Hmmm their colours do seem a bit faded, do anything you can to help relieve the stress of them. If not then they might get the dreaded Neon Tetra disease.

Just been speaking to my dad on the subject he also suggested that it may be NTD, I hope not! :)
Is the gravel in your other tank white like in your quarantine tank? Fish kept over white gravel often fade in time to a lighter shade of color. They would then darken back up with darker gravel. Other than being a little light in color, your Neons look healthy to me.
Have you got lots of plants in your tank? Neons like a planted tank.
When i first got mine, i didn't have many plants and there colour wasn't as bright as it could be, but now they are beautiful since i added some more :)
Is the gravel in your other tank white like in your quarantine tank? Fish kept over white gravel often fade in time to a lighter shade of color. They would then darken back up with darker gravel. Other than being a little light in color, your Neons look healthy to me.

The gravel in the quarantine tank is white, the original tank is blue, Yh the photo isn't to great but there colors are fading real bad.

Have you got lots of plants in your tank? Neons like a planted tank.
When i first got mine, i didn't have many plants and there colour wasn't as bright as it could be, but now they are beautiful since i added some more :)

Yh both tanks are planted :)
Have you checked your pH? I noticed that since I lived in my new area that I have had pretty stable community tanks except I haven't had much luck raising any kind of tetras. I noticed they will live for a while, then they will all die withing a few days of each other. I found that I live in a hard water area and tetras usually like slightly acid water. Not definite that that was the cause, but I think that may have played a part in it. I used to live in an area with water that was neutral from the tap and always had success with tetras.

Another time I had a tank of Neons and I believe they came down with Neon Tetra Disease. They dies off one after another but were emaciated first before the died.
Have you checked your pH? I noticed that since I lived in my new area that I have had pretty stable community tanks except I haven't had much luck raising any kind of tetras. I noticed they will live for a while, then they will all die withing a few days of each other. I found that I live in a hard water area and tetras usually like slightly acid water. Not definite that that was the cause, but I think that may have played a part in it. I used to live in an area with water that was neutral from the tap and always had success with tetras.

Another time I had a tank of Neons and I believe they came down with Neon Tetra Disease. They dies off one after another but were emaciated first before the died.

Yh the PH is fine, since ive placed them in a new tank they seem to be regaining there colors and look alot healthy, I have black tetras that are very livly, they must of been stressing them.
I brought 5 neons last week and 1 died the next day, I thought she was pregnant as she looked exactly the same. The.others are fine, hiding and swimming. I can't find her anywhere tho which us worrying. My ph is 7 and ammonia and nitrites are 0. I have a few plants and some bogwood. Strange.

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