Neon Tetras gone missing


New Member
Oct 17, 2004
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South Africa
Hi there!

This is my first post.

I have a new 60 litre tank that's been cycling for 6 weeks with a Platy.

On Friday I purchased another Platy, 3 Neon Tetras and 1 Black Neon Tetra upon the salesman's advice.

Today (Sunday), the 3 Neon Tetras are missing...... :blink:

They aren't dead, because I checked the tank. Did the Platies eat the Neon Tetras? :crazy:

What irks me is that the salesman said that Platies are compatible with Neon Tetras, but I read on a website this morning that they are not.

Where can I obtain a COMPLETE list of compatible fish that will live in harmony with my Platies? It seems the pet shops are only interested in making money.

I keep Neons with 3 Mollies are they are fine, and I believe Mollies are slightly larger than Platies, but then I guess it depends on large your Neons are. Sorry I can't be anymore help, other than to suggest you search through the forum for suitable tank mates for Platies.

Also Tetras do much better in groups, you should have six minimum. I'm not sure if you could get away with mixing breeds though?
I would be surprized if they have been eaten. However, the neon of today is a little more fragile then it used to be and does best when kept in groups AND in a tank that has been up and running for at least 6 months...


Welcome to the forums!
I have had neons with platys and mollys, and the mollys are almost twice the size of the platys. None of them have bothered each other.

Have you had a look on the floor, neons can move fast sometimes and if you had the top off, they may have taken fright/flight.

Anything else in the tank that could of got them? (And the filter is a good place to look)..... :(

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