Neon Tetras Colour


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2011
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My neons seem to be not as bright as my cardinals O:
Whats happening? how could I make them brighter coloured.
They are fed tetrabits
Keep them happy and with a dark coloured substrate, decor and with good tannin stained water.
My substrate is gravel so its colourful I guess? :p
My decor is driftwood and boy, it gives out lots of tannin.
My neons seem to be not as bright as my cardinals O:
Whats happening? how could I make them brighter coloured.
They are fed tetrabits

Did you just get them? They may take awhile to brighten up if so. I got some cardinals back in Dec and they are still not as bright as my 2 year old cardinals. They are still immature I guess.
if you haven't had them long they could still be nervous. Use some stress coat and give them some time, maybe darker gravel added to your current set up. Good luck.

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