neon tetras and angelfish


Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
North Yorkshire, UK
Ok so i was reading through the thread "Some Newbie no-nos" and came across.....

9. Don't put an angelfish in a 10 gallon tank or any tank less than 18" deep unless you want it to impersonate "Jaws" with one fin out of the water! And don't ever keep angelfish with neon tetras - neons are their natural diet in the wild and will get eaten (it's not if, it's when). If you can train angelfish not to eat neons, for your next trick you could train tigers to eat salad.

Well i have had neon tetras and an angelfish living together quite nicely for more than 3 months. They usally stay at the other side of the tank to each other. I think i have a strange anglefish or maybe my next trick should be "train tigers to eat salad"

If anyone wants I could take a photo of my tank with the two living together.
:lol: :lol: :lol: i hade angels and neons togeather also and they did fine i hade like 5 diffrent types of tetras also and non got eaten but then agin i hade a betta and 4 fancy guppies liveing togeather also and never had a problem :dunno: maby i was lucky i say bring on the tiger !

:hi: to the forum

How big is your angelfish SimonA? Most adult angelfish will have no trouble eating a neon tetra as a snack between meals
Well i have had my angel fish for about 1.5 - 2 years. I started out with 6 and all but one have died. Then we decided to get some neon tetras seen as we have had them before.

So my angle fish is adult size.
Sorry to hear about the other 5, do you know what they died of?

How big is your tank?
I think they were just old. I think one died because he was ill but not sure.

the tank is

260x410x240 And currently has about 12 liters in it.
only 12 litres???

you need to get those fish out A.S.A.P!!!

12 litres is way to small for angelfish! Either return those fish to the store or get a new tank.
I think I did my calculations wrong or somthing as i was supprised when it came out 12 liters. I added some more water.

My angelfish seems to stay near the back of the left side of the tank and right near the floor.

I think mine is quite strange as it is very quiet.
Actully i messed up the calculations it is 25.584 Liters and 5.6276932 uk gallons and 6.7585778 us gallons
6 us gallons is still kinda small for an angel fish. i wanted to get a really beautiful koi angel a while back but seeing as how my biggest tank is only 30 us gallons i decided against it. i plan on getting a 150g us tank in the future, so maybe then, but that will be housing my clown loach bala sharks and pl*co. so we'll see.

i would see if you can set up a 20gallon in themeantime and plan on moving that angel into it. that may be the reason why he just sits in the corner. if he isn't gracefully cruising about there may be something wrong.
Well I cant get a new tank for my angel atm as i dont have enough money for a new tank. Also I think it is scared of my school of neons at the other side of my tank, I mean one angel vs 14 neon's, My tank is a little overcrouded at the moment. I am going to try and get some worms tommrow as it is my angel's favourite food.

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