Neon Tetra


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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In one my of ten gallons i keep 8 neon tetras, 2 adult 6 juvies.

One of the adults seems to have its top fin a little freyed. (frayed -however u spell it)

Its behavior it 100% normal, it eats, sleeps, and goes fishin' like it always has. None of the other neons are like this.

Just seein' if theres anything to be worried about. I think its been like this a few days now.

Could be finrot, especially if the frayed fin is edged with white/grey or red but it doesn't nesarsarily have to be like this to be finrot. Fish can live with finrot for many weeks but it can be difficult to cure and once the rot has reached the base of the fin the fish is pretty much doomed as the infection gets into the bloodstream or the fish can no longer maintain balance in the water.
Has the fish been in the tank long, or is it relatively new?

At this stage, I'd just watch it and see if it is getting any worse, or if other fish are showing symptoms. If so, fin rot would be the first choice call. Being bacterial, generally improving the hygiene in the tank will often clear it up as the fishes own immune system will be better able to fight the bacteria.

It is always possible there has been a little sparring between the group. Being front toothed, even a small tetra like a Neon can take a healthy chunk out of a fin if the want takes him.
nope, not new to the tank. Ive had him for about 2 years now. I did just kinda recently swictch him to its new 10gal, but that was 2 months ago...

Ill keep watchin him. He still looks fine!


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