In one my of ten gallons i keep 8 neon tetras, 2 adult 6 juvies.
One of the adults seems to have its top fin a little freyed. (frayed -however u spell it)
Its behavior it 100% normal, it eats, sleeps, and goes fishin' like it always has. None of the other neons are like this.
Just seein' if theres anything to be worried about. I think its been like this a few days now.
One of the adults seems to have its top fin a little freyed. (frayed -however u spell it)
Its behavior it 100% normal, it eats, sleeps, and goes fishin' like it always has. None of the other neons are like this.
Just seein' if theres anything to be worried about. I think its been like this a few days now.