Neon Tetra?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Just looking through lots of random posts, and loads of people seem to discourage people from keeping Neons in favour of other tetra. Are neons particually dififcult to keep, or just often an accidental food source?


I set a tank up of neon tetra's only and it was fine for ages till i added some more and they got NTD, it depends on the batch you get some are hardy and some are not, and they are prone to NTD so if you keep them with other fish they can catch it aswell.
I'm asking because I'm soon setting up a new 350lt tank and researching potential fish for it. I'm thinking about a few (probably 6) L66 King Tiger Plecos, but want something more colourful as well. Any suggestions? (other than neons) :)

Congo and diamond tetra's are beautiful little fish.
I have just recently gotton into Rasboros they are bigger than most tetrea and you can still get some flash of color. I really like the Pork Chop Rasboro. They are active with out being crazy like a danio. Good Luck
:lol: I usually get it mixed up to but I think it's called the lamb chop harlequin.
lilfishie said:
well iv had my neons for 2 years and there still nice and healthy :thumbs:
You have done well to keep them that long, they can live up to 6 years can't they but I don't no anyone who has managed it.
I've had my neons for about 4-5 months and they seem really happy and healthy! I have 3 green ones and two blue ones. You could also get cardinals. I heard they can not get NTD, but I am not 100% sure.

If you like rasboras maybe try the red-tailed rasbora. I have one that was thrown in with the bag of tetras I bought about 5 months ago and never knew what he was until maybe 2 months ago. :lol: He is very active and somewhat colorful. He is yellow, silver, black and red. :thumbs:
What does NTD do?

It kills them and it's contagious. First they lose their colour, then stop eating and eventually die.
Neons do best in well planted, slightly acidic, mature tanks. They have a tendency to become someone's tea time snack if there are larger fish in the tank with them.

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