Neon Tetra

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Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
New York, NY
NOTE: I posted this in the Characins forum with no responses... so pardon the double-posting.

As you can see by my signature... I have 8 neon tetras in my small community tank. I can tell that probably 2-3 of them are females because of the round underbelly.

One of the females (the largest tetra of the 8 ) is acting really strange since yesterday. The other 7 tetras generally hang in the mid-lower region of my tank... and swim around in a group. However, this one has been staying directly at the water surface right behind my filter output (calm water). This tetra is also noticeably breathing rapidly... and has some minor tail nip damage. There are no other signs of illness (spots, loss of color, cloudy eyes, etc.) so I'm stumped. :dunno:

I was thinking that maybe she's ready to lay eggs or something... but have read that neon tetra breeding in a community tank is extremely rare.

I have just treated with a little Melafix for the tail nipping.

Any thoughts as to what this could be? :/
my fish usually die after doing that for a day or so.....i think it's like heart attack or something.....usually fish do that when they're scared or something....maybe he's being abused by other fish?

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