Neon Tetra


New Member
Feb 20, 2011
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Hi there. i brought 10 neon tetras on Friday it's now Sunday night and I only have 5 left I can see any bodies in the tank anywhere. the tetras I do have left seem to be attacking rack other is this a common thing?

what other fish do u have in the tank? water parimeters? was it cycled?
I'm not sure the size of the as it was my dads tank it's pretty big thou. when I brought the tetras I also brought 6 zebra denias. there is also a pleco in the tank for about 5 years but that don't seem to be bothered by the tetras. I still have all 6 of the zebras left.
Sounds as though you must have a problem with your water stats and they have died - neon tetras are very sensitive to bad water quality. They have probaly been half eaten and/or sucked into the filter or if they are in the tankn they are very hard to spot as they lose their colour. What are your water readings? Also 16 fish is a lot to add in one go you may have caused a spike in your water readings which has caused the problem.
I will get a water ph testing kit is it easy to test the quality of the water?
I will get a water ph testing kit is it easy to test the quality of the water?

You simply put some water in a test tube, add the test liquid and compare the colour to a chart. :D
I got my Roma 125 from Seapets, it's a shame they don't stock actual fish! :lol:

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