Neon Tetra



Hi all,
I've got a reletively new 50 gallon community take (one month old) with 6 or 7 different species of fish in it including a small group of Neons. I started out with 15 but I'm now down to 9. It seems I'm losing 1 every other day now. All my other fish are doing just fine. The amonia level is very low. I've got plenty of plants in the tank. I guess my question is, are neons more susceptible to ph issuses? The ph in the tank is also pretty low, under 7. I've been using DIY Co2 reactor to help the plant growth and I've read that it can also cause fluctuations in the ph level. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Firstly hi and welcome Mickey,

I've moved your topic here - should get more response


Mickey, when posting fish problems its helpfull if you can supply as much of the following as possible,

1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc)
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.
3. How often you do water changes and how much.
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.
5. WhatTank mates are in the tank.
6. Tank size.
7. Finally how experienced are you in keeping fish.

But on what you've said,

were you testing the water to see if it was cycled before you added the fish?
how long have the fish been in there?

It sounds like you may have added too many fish too quickly - you need to add a few at a time to allow the benificial filter bacteria to grow with the increase in waste - ammonia and nitrite.

In a fully functioning filter you should have zero readings for ammonia and nitrite - I fear your neons may have been suffering from poisening.

Do a 30% water change (treated), and cut back on the feeding for a few days - overfeeding is a common problem which leads to poor water conditions.

Anyway if you can give us some more info then we'll go from there :thumbs:

Thanks wetwetwet,
I've got two mini bio wheels which are suppose to be more than enough for the job. I've been changing a couple of gallons a week which might not enough so I will take your advice and do a 20% change when I get home from work. To make matters a bit worse, I've had bunches of fry in the past week. My black Molly had babies which I only saved two before the Tiger Barbs got them. The other two batches I have no idea what they are because they are so small and under developed. Maybe Mickey Mouse or Silver Molly, I don't know. The Tetra's one by one are just not moving much. They seem to have a hard time from sinking. You are probably right though, too many, too fast. I just have a feeling that they are weaker than the others. :S
Do you have anyother fish in there except the neons? If so they could be ganging up on them. Neons, are very sensitive to PH, water temperture changes, acualy anything. When I first started I had neons I had 10 then in a few weeks it was a total of 3 I had left, fianly I found out it was my fish that where eating them. Not I have a more peaceful community.

From the information you have put down so far, I would have to agree with wetwet, to many fish at one time - which causes the Bio-load to break down, and the whole system colapses, causing the nitrites and ph ect,.. to spike.

Good Luck!

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