Neon Tetra


Fish Herder
May 20, 2005
Reaction score
Wantagh, NY
I bought four neon tetras on Saturday, and they are all doing great. Ony of the tetras always attack the other three, and the other three just run away. Will the three neon tetras die because of that one neon tetra attacking them, or will they survive? This has been going on since Monday, but they are still active and eating. Should I remove the neon tetra that keeps harassing the other three?

They're just establishing their nipping order, its a natural occurence.
yea, I had three and added three more some time ago and had similar quarrels. Id agree with illisuion54 seeing as mine are all fine now
Does that mean I have to get more neons? Cause I only have 4, shouldn't I have at least 6? They've been pecking for days long does it take to have a pecking order?

You should have at least 2-3 more neons as in numbers that low they will feel insecure and stressed and may display abnormal behavior in contrast to good shoaling behavior in large groups.
You should have at least 2-3 more neons as in numbers that low they will feel insecure and stressed and may display abnormal behavior in contrast to good shoaling behavior in large groups.

Yes I agree, and 2 or 3 more neons won't have any huge impact on waste production in the aquarium so its a win win situation :nod:
They've stopped fighting but I still haven't bought any more neons yet. If I buy more, will they nip at each other again to reorder the pecking order? If they will, then maybe I'll wait a little longer before I get more neons since they're not having abnormal behavior. I do want more, but I can wait if they're going to fight again.

Probably just playing around mine always do this specially my cardinal.
It's pretty much a forgone conclusion that adding new fish to a group that has sorted itself out will result in another pecking order session. These often look worse then they are, it is a natural thing. I agree that 2-3 more would be a good move if your tank has the space.

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