neon tetra weird

It depends on what the white is like. Many tetras have a milky white coloration in their fins that develops with age, often starting at the leading edge of the fin and slowly expanding. If it looks like that, and the fish is otherwise acting normally, then I wouldn't worry about it.

If the edge of the affected fins is ragged or split, that may indicate a bacterial problem, "fin-rot" which should be treated, ideally in a hospital tank.

If the white looks fluffy, or nodular, that could indicate fungus.

Can you tell us a little more, or post some pictures?
sorry i dont have any pics but i do know that the fin kindof looks rotten and the fin isnt in its original shape anymore, also i think its spreading to my other neaons. Do you know how i can treat this?
Sounds like fin rot. This is a bacterial condition and can spread to other fish. It can also advance very quickly. If untreated, the infection will rot down to the body and invade it causing ulcers and death. Make sure your water conditions are good, bacteria thrive in poor water.

You should go to your lfs and get an appropriate medicine. I don't live im Canada, so don't know what you have available. I would start with Myxazin.

I'll move this thread to the Emergencies board, maybe someone there who is local to you knows an appropriate brand to recommend.

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