Neon Tetra Vanished


New Member
Jun 7, 2005
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On Tuesday I bought six neon tetras. One has completely disappeared from the tank. Could it have been eaten by another fish?

Tank is 125 litres

Stock is as follows:-

5 White Clouds
5 Neon Tetra
3 Platies
2 Pearl Gourami
2 Clown loaches
1 Gibbicep

Any thoughts anyone?


It probably just died and was cleaned up by the clowns or gibby It's surprising how quickly bodies rot at tropical temperatures.

Do you plan to upgrade your tank in the not too distant future as the clowns should be in a bigger group and will grow 12 inches, the gibby will grow between 18 and 24 inches.

Emma -_-

It probably just died and was cleaned up by the clowns or gibby It's surprising how quickly bodies rot at tropical temperatures.

Do you plan to upgrade your tank in the not too distant future as the clowns should be in a bigger group and will grow 12 inches, the gibby will grow between 18 and 24 inches.

Emma -_-

Thanks Emma

I'm probably going to get rid of the Gibbicep at some point. It's only about 5 inches at the moment. The guy in the shop didn't tell me how big it was likely to get. The clowns are currently about 3 inches.
I'm probably going to get rid of the Gibbicep at some point. It's only about 5 inches at the moment. The guy in the shop didn't tell me how big it was likely to get. The clowns are currently about 3 inches.

dont kill the poor thing :X and good luck getting anyone to take it of you, people are returning their over-sized plecos by the dozen because they are misinformed, you may well end up having to buy a larger tank :/
I couldn't possibly do that...I've grown quite fond of it now. I had a cockatoo cichlid once now he was a nasty bugger!
Clown loaches take years to get 12 inches and I've never seen a clown loach larger than 6", I wouldn't worry about them getting a foot long honestly, but they do need to be in groups or they don't do very well.

Clown loaches can live for 40 years and grow pretty quickly up to 6 inches than the growth slows down. I've seen 11 inch ones for sale before so they do get big in tanks, even bigger in the wild.

Emma :)
The clowns are in a pair and seem pretty happy for now.

Good news the missing Neon Tetra has reappeared. No idea where it could have been hiding.
if you ever get to the london aquarium (well worth a visit) theres a couple of clown loaches in there who are HUGE at least a foot long if not bigger!!!!!!!!!!!they probably started out in someones little home aquarium too :D
WOW!!! I never knew clown loaches can get that big!!! Good thing I didn't get any!
if you ever get to the london aquarium (well worth a visit) theres a couple of clown loaches in there who are HUGE at least a foot long if not bigger!!!!!!!!!!!they probably started out in someones little home aquarium too :D

I'm definitely going to make a point of going this summer.

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