Thanks for the replies.
The area where the eggs were sprayed was a good place where several should be safe from fish because they probably would not be able to get to them. Now if the fry start swimming out in the open then it's pretty much game over for them, unfortunately.
I saw something scurry into the thermometer case this morning, before lights on, when I shined a flashlight looking for the shy guys. It could have been a Red Cherry Shrimp, Panda Cory or Neon Tetra since they may have spawned earlier than when I saw them.
Most of my creatures have been producing eggs except for the lone Siamese Algae Eater and lone Tracked Nerite Snail for obvious reasons. If my snail is a female then she could potentially lay eggs but I've read that the eggs need a brackish environment to hatch. My Harlequin Rasbora are only three strong (will add three more this afternoon) but the one that appears to be a female does look a little different from when I got her. I got them from the young tank so I'm not sure they're ready to do that thing, I think. These guys apparently turn upside down when they're doing their thing.
I'm not planning, at this time, to maintain any other tanks. If the young make it through by themselves then great, but I'll probably end up giving them away because I would be too overstocked. Now if they all become breeding happy and I can actually have a steady flow to sell enough, then it may be worth my while to get involved.