Neon Tetra Seizure?


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
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Sooo...I was fiddling around changing the batteries in a Rolson 72 LED light (not an aquarium light, you can use this for anything & take it around with you)
Anyway I was using the desk my tank is on to rest it on and when I changed the batteries I turned it on. It shone on my tank for a few seconds and one of my tetras was caught in the light. It just FREAKED OUT big time, it looked like it had some sort of seizure! It kind of...flailed in one position for a few seconds and then sank to the bottom upside down and buried itself in the sand. I poked it gently with a long piece of tubing and it swam away again.

Will it be ok? What happend to it? Maybe that sudden (and accidental I mind add) flash of light scared him or something..?

Heres what I mean

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