I have a neon acting and looking strangely. Any help would be appreciated. No other fish seem affected by whatever is wrong with him.
Tank size: 75g
pH: 7.8
ammonia: 0
nitrate: 10ppm
tank temp: 78
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
-dull coloration: looks like they all do at night time, not showing much color at all
-weakness: seems to struggle in the current of the filter, although it isn't very strong and the others do fine in it. Even the ghost shrimp swim around no problem
-doesn't school with the others
-I haven't witnesses him eat at the surface with the others, though he may get some flakes that sink. I don't really have a way of telling
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 35% weekly
Tank inhabitants: - 1 rainbow shark, he does not even glance at the tetras. 1 CAE, peaceful. 1 female opaline gourami, also peaceful. 8 other neons, and 4 bronze corys
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The last additions were 5 additional neon tetras about a month and a half ago. I have no way of knowing whether this one is a new one or one of the originals, which i got nearly a year ago
Exposure to chemicals :I dosed with pimafix and an API general treatment upon noticing the sick neon, usually no chemicals otherwise
Tank size: 75g
pH: 7.8
ammonia: 0
nitrate: 10ppm
tank temp: 78
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
-dull coloration: looks like they all do at night time, not showing much color at all
-weakness: seems to struggle in the current of the filter, although it isn't very strong and the others do fine in it. Even the ghost shrimp swim around no problem
-doesn't school with the others
-I haven't witnesses him eat at the surface with the others, though he may get some flakes that sink. I don't really have a way of telling
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 35% weekly
Tank inhabitants: - 1 rainbow shark, he does not even glance at the tetras. 1 CAE, peaceful. 1 female opaline gourami, also peaceful. 8 other neons, and 4 bronze corys
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The last additions were 5 additional neon tetras about a month and a half ago. I have no way of knowing whether this one is a new one or one of the originals, which i got nearly a year ago
Exposure to chemicals :I dosed with pimafix and an API general treatment upon noticing the sick neon, usually no chemicals otherwise