Neon Tetra Problem


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2003
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One of my neon tetras appears to be losing it's colouring, looking bleached out. It appears to be acting normally and is eating. Could this be NTD?

One of my neon tetras appears to be losing it's colouring, looking bleached out. It appears to be acting normally and is eating. Could this be NTD?

Not an expert on illnesses I'm afraid,but I had the same thing with one of mine a few months ago.He was looking bleached out and stayed away from his mates a bit,but seemed otherwise normal.This lasted for a week or so and then as we were researching and trying to decide what to do with him,he died.No other marks or obvious signs,just colour fade.
I figured from what I read about NTD that that's what it was,although as I say,there are far better qualified peeps on here to tell you that.
If it's any consolation,the other 6 neons were fine and have shown no signs of having contracted it.
Would need to look at your stats first in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Ntd signs red stripe looks lbeached out, stay away from the group, look restless, have problems swimmining, lumps that go to a point on the tummy area, and with mine some of them showed a black lining around the red stripe.
Just wanted to check that the bleached out area dosn't look fluffy as you can get false ntd which is saddle back columnaris.
My stats are Ammonia 0 , Nitrite 0, Nitrate unsure? ph 7.6
I know my nitrates are quite high (tap water a reading of 40 to start off with), I need to get a better test kit for this as all the colours look similar and I am not to good at reading the results.

The bleached out bit of the neon is the red stripe....I'm not sure if it's fluffy or not....maybe slightly.
It's looking like ntd, but if you think it looks fluffy I would go the route of false ntd which is saddle back columnaris.
Myxazin and pimafix.
Turn temp down by two degrees, increase aeration in the tank.
Remove black carbon if you use it.

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