Neon Tetra Eggs


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Hi, I have 2 female neon tetras that definitely look like they are about to lay eggs. There are currently 2 other males in the tank and I do plan on getting a couple more soon. I was wondering how soon they will lay eggs based on the pictures. I’ve only had livebearers have babies, so I am new to this.
One of my neons started acting strange, it was slowly swimming in circles but on a tilt. I noticed it seemed bloated as well. I figured it was probably going to be the next casualty in my battle with the tank. But later on it seemed fine and not seen it do it again, I wonder if maybe it had been pregnant and it was affecting its swim bladder. I do have a video of it but not sure how to add
The fish of the OP seems to have another problem than being gravid. Possibly parasites.
The fish of the OP seems to have another problem than being gravid. Possibly parasites.
I did some research it does look like it could be internal parasites. I added some parasite medication and one of them looks a little better and the lump looks smaller. Luckily, they are still acting fine and eating well. Thank you for saying this! Do you have any other tips or what the parasite might be?

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