New Member
My 10 gallon tank is fully cycled at 4 weeks and we have 5 neon tetras, 6 molly fry and 1 plecos. The first 2 weeks they were docile and mostly stayed back-mid tank. LAST WEEK I noticed the largest (female) was heavy with eggs. Within 48 hours she had scattered her potential brood, which were consumed immediately by her tankmated.
I would love to find a comprehensive source of info. on the courting behavior/breeding and keeping of the neon tetra. Al l I can find is water chem. basics, eggs are light sensitive, and "tetras won't breed in a community tank."
My immediate question is this.... When I remove the pregnant female to go into a separate tank do I need to also put the male with her to fertilize the eggs, or does fertilization take place sometime earlier? How long can I safely leave her (them?) in a med. sized 3-way breeder?
Also, does the male or the female do all the chasing I'm observing? Are these fish indiscriminate breeders, or do they choose one mate?
Hadn't dreamed of attempting to breed these critters, but they seem so willing....HELP, please! All comments appreciated : )
I would love to find a comprehensive source of info. on the courting behavior/breeding and keeping of the neon tetra. Al l I can find is water chem. basics, eggs are light sensitive, and "tetras won't breed in a community tank."
My immediate question is this.... When I remove the pregnant female to go into a separate tank do I need to also put the male with her to fertilize the eggs, or does fertilization take place sometime earlier? How long can I safely leave her (them?) in a med. sized 3-way breeder?
Also, does the male or the female do all the chasing I'm observing? Are these fish indiscriminate breeders, or do they choose one mate?
Hadn't dreamed of attempting to breed these critters, but they seem so willing....HELP, please! All comments appreciated : )