Neon Tetra Disease?


New Member
Oct 3, 2004
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Hi there

I recently set up a 24x15x21 tank. I set it all up the usual way, matured the water etc, and started adding some hardy community species. I first added platies, gradually I added guppies, weather loach and plec, and I bought 2 moonlight gouramis and a shoal of 10 Neons.

Well after about a week 1 neon died, a couple of days later, another Neon died, then another, then another, each day! all the other fish species seemed unaffected!

I then added some Interpet Anti-fungus and Finrot remedy as one of the Gouramis fins had white patches on them. After I added this, no more neons died! The 3 remaining ones are now looking brighter and will hopefully be ok!

Was this Neon Tetra disease?

oops, now I feel silly, I'm posting from the UK and haven't heard it called cyclig before! I've been out of the fishkeeping field for about 8 years - I've only just got back into it again after moving!

Yes I 'Cycled' my tank - I used the chemical - can't remember the name of it though.

I think I'm gonna learn a lot from joining this site!

I seem to be doing ok so far, just the neon problem - which now seems to be under control.

canarsie11 said:
No chemical can cycle your tank.

Also, neon should not be added to any tank that has not been running for a while IMO :)
Actually Ammonia is a chemical that can ;) :p sorry being pedantic.

I cycled my tank with 12 neons all survived the cycle 2 later died from NTD. Not that I'd recommend it since I learned a bit, but they are not as feeble as people make them out to be.


NTD has various symptoms, the most obvious in mine was white patches on the body and loss of colour in RED stripe. They can also become solitary, rapid breathing, bends in the body.

There is False NTD where colour goes from BLUE stripe.

NTD has no known cure, False NTD can be, so you probably had false NTD or summat totally different.

I know ammonia can cycle tank. I thought he meant he used a checmical that instantly cycled his tank. that is what I came away with from his statement.

Who cant remember ammonia?
I know I was joking :p

There are a few like Fresh Start that can be used to help with fishless cycling.

From research I have done on chemicals that claim to INSTANTLY cycle your tank. Does not cyle tank just removes the toxic parts from ammonia, nitrites.....
Which gives you false sense of cycle.

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