Fish Crazy
I bought several neon tetras from a local shop almost a month ago now and after a week in my quarantine tank all seemed ok but I have since lost four of these fish along with three neons which were already in the tank.
Due to the symptoms the fish are showing I am quite certain it is neon tetra disease but as there is no cure for this do you think that I should kill the remaining tetras (which are now back in isolation)?
Will this disease always be present in the tank/filtration etc, which will prevent re-introduction of neons in the future?
Also can this disease pass onto my other occupants which are:
Bristlenose plecs x 2
RTBS x 1
Moonlight Gourami x 1
Thai Glass Catfish x 2
Guppies x 6
Boesmani Rainbowfish x 5
Zebra Danio x 1
Maybe I should buy cardinals next time, from a different shop!!
Any advice is appreciated.
I have just noticed I have put this in the wrong section, if possible could a Mod please move this to the emergency section.
Due to the symptoms the fish are showing I am quite certain it is neon tetra disease but as there is no cure for this do you think that I should kill the remaining tetras (which are now back in isolation)?
Will this disease always be present in the tank/filtration etc, which will prevent re-introduction of neons in the future?
Also can this disease pass onto my other occupants which are:
Bristlenose plecs x 2
RTBS x 1
Moonlight Gourami x 1
Thai Glass Catfish x 2
Guppies x 6
Boesmani Rainbowfish x 5
Zebra Danio x 1
Maybe I should buy cardinals next time, from a different shop!!
Any advice is appreciated.
I have just noticed I have put this in the wrong section, if possible could a Mod please move this to the emergency section.