Fish Crazy
Hi i'm new on here, i've had my tank up and running for about 4 months and had the water tested regularly which is always fine. I bought an angel fish 6 wks ago which developed white spot within a week and died shortly after taking a neon tetra with it. I managed to sucessfully treat the other fish though and they are fine. 3 weeks after that ( so 3 weeks ago)i bought 4 neon tetras and a couple of days after that one of them had what looked like white spot. It's red bit went very pale and has been like that since, it's very skinny now and it's always gulping in the water. I've been using the king british white spot treatment which i used before and it hasn't helped at all. A few of the other tetras have had some white spots but they come and go and none of them look as ill as the other one. I'm now wondering if they've actually got the neon tetra disease as none of my other fish (gourami's and guppies) have had the white spots and if that is what they have do i have to kill all the tetras and could it affect the other fish? I'm getting desperate now because i've been treating them for 3 weeks and nothings happening! All comments and advice wanted! Thanks