Neon Tetra, Black Skirts, Angels

iirc neons are angels natural live food. But neons and black skirts go together as i have this combo thay annoy the hell out the bn plecs tho
What size tank are you putting them in?
Neons are part of an Angel's natural diet so I wouldn't risk keeping them together.
Black Skirt Tetras can be known to fin nip so you may have to keep an eye on them if keeping them with Angels.
I have neons with my angels, if you want to keep them with angels, the angels have to be small. I find that if the angels grow up with the neons, they wont be eaten...or another alternative is to buy cardinal tetras, they grow bigger than neons.

And for black skirts, they will likely nip the fins of the angels if you decide to buy the fancy ones with long fins....
i would go with cardinal tetras as well, but then again cardinals still face risk, though smaller, of being eaten by fully matured angels.
Absolutely not.

Angels view neons as food. It depends on their relative sizes of course, and many commercially bred angels are way undersized compared with their normal size in the wild. But still, too risky.

Black-skirt tetras, if you mean Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, are fin-nippers. Wild fish view the fins of other, slower fishes as potential food. Not all specimens manifest this behaviour in captivity, but still, not worth the risk.

The best tetras for life with angels are peaceful, medium-sized species. Lemon tetras, x-ray tetras, diamond tetras, rummynose tetras, head-and-tail light tetras, and bleeding heart tetras would all be potential candidates if you wanted to go strictly South American. But Congo tetras work well, too. Rasboras also tend to work well, too, coming from similar habitats in the wild.

Cheers, Neale

if i put those fish together, would it be ok?

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