Neon Tetra Behaviour


Fish Fanatic
Oct 18, 2004
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I have a new aquarium set up thats been running for over a week. I have 10 Neon Tetras in it. The tank is right next to my bed. Over the past 3 days when ever I sit on my bed one Tetra comes over and if any others try to come to my side of the tank it chases them away. If im not near the tank they all swim together, its just when im near it. Is this normal ?
thats wierd,
Maybe, he just really likes you and when all the other neon tetras come over he beats them up because he wants you to only look at him

I've got a neon which beats on all the others as well, though for no obvious reason. Mind you I've got an oto which seems to enjoy bothering the cories as well. I think my fish are a bit "special"! :S :crazy: :blink:
your neon might be in love with you.
thats when i had a female guppy she would chase any other fish away but want to keep me looking at her :lol: :dunno:
wish i can help more but i am stumped other wise :dunno:
weird, the other day while my pleco was cleaning the tank one of my serpae tetras protected the pleco in the same way

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