Neon Tetra Attacks Cherry Shrimp?

Killer Smile

New Member
Jul 3, 2010
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Hey guys,i have a 15 gal planted tank filled with neon tetras,cherry shrimp and a few guppys

This morning i found a single dead cherry shrimp. At first i thought it just molted then when i looked closer there seemed to be some white,idk the proper term for this so i'll call it meat,stuck on the outer red skin,so it was defintely a dead shrimp.

The other cherry shrimps seemed to be scavenging and eating the dead shrimp however i saw one neon tetra somewhat picking on one of the cherry shrimps scavenging the dead body.

What i want to know is it possible that that neon tetra was the one who killed the shrimp as well? or was it just trying to get some scraps from the dead body? Do neons ever get aggressive towards shrimp?

I doubt the guppies did it since they always,as in always,stay on the top,never at the bottom

Any replies would be appreciated,i really thought cherry shrimps and neons were compatible,i hope im not wrong :(

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