Neon Survivor!


New Member
Aug 2, 2012
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Just wondering but how long could a neon tetra live by itself in seclusion??
It's impossible to say for sure.

What is almost certain, however, is that a lone neon would be feeling a constant small amount of stress. This could show in a number of different ways; the fish may stop eating, may be prone to developing stress related illnesses, such as white spot or fungus, may become overly nippy or aggressive, or very shy.

It's not something that should be tried, IMO. If you have one tetra, either get some friends for it or give it to someone who has a shoal for it to join.

I don't want to make you feel bad, but it's probably cruel to try and keep shoaling fish on their own. Everything about them has eveolved to live in shoals of hundreds, sometimes even thousands of their own species.

Here's a fascinating video of Paracheirodon simulans, a close relative of the 'normal' neon, in the wild that you might want to take a look at;
Thats a nice video there. The other fish are interesting as well.

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