neon specialist required


New Member
Feb 27, 2005
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dundee scotland
I am a total newbie to this fascinating hobby and have noticed that the blue stripe on 4 out of the 10 neons that i have have changed to a darker shade of blue than the others. is this normal or is there any reason for this change in colour. I have also noticed that they are starting to be a bit more irritant than usual and are chasing each other about the tank more.
please advice
many thanx
The Nav
How long have you had them? I suspect they are new and the change in behaviour is simply because they are starting to settle in and are sorting out the pecking order and getting used to their surroundings as they don't sound unhealthy to me.
its ok mines light was aqua to start with now its bright blue and they do chase each other sometimes :lol:
All my neons seem to be slightly different colours, except 2 which could be twins. Still trying to sex them, going on straightness of line. But some to be indeterminable.

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