Neon nippers?


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2002
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Hey guys,

I'm trying to figure out what to do with my Rio once I put my barbs into a new tank (for the move - less than two weeks now and they still haven't concluded the missives :eek:)

I was thinking of having a tetra tank (probably neons and glowlights) with ottos, panda cories and possibly a male betta. But I'm sure I've heard someone say they'd had trouble with neons being little fin-nippers. Has any one had this problem? Since my only other tank will have Tiger barbs in it I can't take a betta on if there is any risk of nippers in his tank - cos they'll be no where to move him to.

Cheers guys.
From past experience Neons should be fine they are not known as fin nippers, give it a go.
Ive bred neons and never experienced any fin nipping problems. :D
Your new tank sounds like it will have a few fish similar to mine. I did have problems with my neons getting nipped at first. My glowlight actually did most of the damage. One neon was bit down to stubs but has regrown completly. I think there are more problems when keeping smaller numbers, I have heard people say that neons are agressive towards each other in groups smaller than 6. All my fish have created somewhat of a cohesive school and I'm sure yours will too but after a few injuries and fights.
I've got glowlights and neons together and because they shoul together they leave other tenants alone. Sometimes they become quarrelsome amongst themselves, but none of mine resort to fin nipping. I think you need a shoul of them.
Definitely gonna have a shoal - I fancy 20 of each :D

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