Neon Going To Explode



I have 4 neon tetras 3 male and 1 female, the female just seems to be getting bigger and bigger there are no signs of them maiting and shes full with eggs. Shes got to be atleased 3-4 times as bigger than the males. She seems to be woddeling along bhind her fast male companions. Does anyone have advice or has this happentd to you too.

thanks saen11
a few years ago we had a female neon who over a period of time ( about 3 months after we got her) appeared grossly bloated/swollen compared with the rest of our neons. i thought it was dropsy but she never developed the 'pinecone scale' look & actually lived for nearly a year. always looked happy - eating,swimming around chasing her neon mates but was always HUGE. i posted a pic of her in another forum a couple of years ago asking for help as i didnt know what to do. ( we isolated her several times & treated with internal bacteria med, fed peas regularly & tried everything we could think of but nothing made a difference & i still dont know what really was wrong) she never looked distressed or listless or anything like that or we would have euthanased.
ive pm'd you with the details of where you can do a search & find the pic.
sorry cant be of more help -_-

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