neon dwarf ranbow fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2004
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johnstone, scotland
was in my local LFS on friday and saaw these little fish ata round 25-30mm long totally amazing fish, got a pair, of which are very easy to identify which is the male etc, both have a sort of blue tint to there scales, the male has bright red fins , all of them, the femal has yellow ones, fantastic fish to watch, the guy in the shop also showed me them when you put out the light, it is amazing, when they swim all you see if flashes of bright blue everywhere,

i am certainly gonna have a look out for another few types of rainbow fish next week as i like the lake katubu rainbow which is blue, and also the boesmani and incisus types, as there colouringif beatiful too, and maybe another wee pair of the noen dwarfs again , as they will show up better is a school

Glad you like them, but you really should get some more as they are schooling fish.
kev_kb said:
Glad you like them, but you really should get some more as they are schooling fish.
...and not just more rainbows of other kinds, more praecox. I had 3 each of Boesemani, Australian and Turquoise. The Boesemanis and Australians killed the Turquoise rainbows, then an angelfish and were working on the 2nd angel before I rescued it. I got 2 Severums thinking they would be bold enough to stand up to the rainbowfish, but nope, one of the Sevs schoooled up with the rainbows and they all started picking on the other severum.

They are great community fish as long as you respect the fact that they really need to be in schools. :thumbs:
I have just introduced 4 praecox fry back into the main tank. They are stunning fish. If you ever have direct sunlight hit your tank then have a look at them then. WOW!

Okay, I've had my neon rainbows for around a year and a half and have been waiting for them to turn blue!!! They kind of have a bluish tint to them when they move around, but not the bright blue I saw in my fish book. So far, I've been disappointed. That and the fact that they school with my giant danios. I was hoping they'd school by themselves, but no. I've heard that the Bosemani rainbows take up to 2 years to develop their colors, so I figured I'd just wait. I went back through my records and found that I've had them for almost a year and a half, with no change. They're mostly an off white/yellow with flashes of blue. I'm wondering if I have the right fish. Pics of mine can be

You'll have to scroll down a bit, but they're there.

Forget Those Dull Looking Rainbows
Get yourself some Ornates - They are Stunning.
Also Threadfin Rainbows, Lots of Colors and just wait till ther Fins start to Trail Behind them for nches and you Will Be Amazed.

But Dont Forget the Tiny Gertrudes Rainbows they are very understated.
Mine turn blue depending on the lighting. Best colors come out at natural light.
yeah i am gonna get another few soon as they are real nice, and maybe another type of rainbow, i like the lake katubu but there not very readly available in drab old scotland, in fact thers isnt many that are available maybe only the neons and the madagascar or boesmani on an occasion

Blue Neon rainbows are my favourite rainbows. I was originally going to get them for my tank but they were £15 each round here!!! bloody rip-off. So i decided to go for Boesemani Rainbows which were cheaper at about £5 each :)


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